
We're Excited You're Exploring Your Faith

Your exploration starts here. Always try our Search function to see the full range of resources we have collected.

Exploring Our Origins

Have you ever wondered about the origins of life? You know, like how the universe came to be and whether there's more to it than just chance?

See the Evidence

Explore with me as we delve into deep questions about the cosmos, life, and everything in between. Together, we'll sift through the evidence and ponder the possibility of an intelligent creator.
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Big Picture of Faith

"The Big Picture of Faith" unveils the majestic tapestry of God's master plan throughout history, inviting us into a journey of awe and wonder.

Explore the Big Picture Plan

Step into this vast expanse of faith, and let its grandeur ignite your curiosity and deepen your reverence for the divine.
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Good News Faith Stories

There is nothing like the real life story of someone we can relate to, to help us learn.

Explore Real Testimonies

Step into someone else's shoes one story at a time. Explore these testimonies.
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Afterlife Stories

Witness the testimonies of people like you that have a story of the Afterlife.

Understand Eternity

In our range of testimonies are audio, video and book resources for you to explore. You may find a story just like yours.
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The Gospel Unpackaged

The Bible is like a treasure map leading straight to the heart of a loving God who went to extraordinary lengths to rescue us.

Discover God's Salvation

Let's dive in and explore the wonders of God's unending love and mercy!
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First Steps

Exploring isn't something you do sitting on a couch in front of the TV. You need to take a step and create some momentum.

Explore New Christian Resources

We've prepared a backpack of great resources for a New Christian's journey.
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Discovering Christianity

Explore Christianity: Unfolding the Mystery of Faith
Welcome to our faith community! Embarking on this spiritual journey, you might be curious about the origins of life, the universe, and everything in between. The Christian faith addresses these questions and offers a profound explanation: an intelligent creator, God, is behind it all. As you delve deeper into this journey, you'll hear breathtaking narratives of real people, whose lives have been transformed by embracing Christianity. These are not just tales, but genuine experiences radiating joy, tears, strength, and, above all, faith. As you explore further, you'll uncover how beautifully faith shapes our lives, adding layers of purpose and meaning.

Understand the Scripture

The Bible: A Guide to Life’s Greatest Questions
The Bible isn't just a book; it's a spiritual guide, a beacon of hope and wisdom, illuminating our path. This incredible collection of sacred scriptures has been transforming lives for centuries and is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. Here, you'll discover a majestic tapestry of God's master plan, witnessing an intricate interplay of divine providence, human choice, and relentless pursuit of love. As we journey from the dawn of creation to the ultimate redemption, your understanding of the Bible will be deepened and your relationship with God strengthened

Knowing God and Sin

Unravelling Salvation: Understanding God and the Nature of Sin
Do you wonder if God truly exists, and if so, what is His nature? The Christian belief centers on an all-powerful, loving Creator. We see his imprint in the beauty and order of the universe and feel His presence in our conscience. Alongside God's existence, it's necessary to grasp the concept of sin, a universal human condition inherited from our first parents according to the Bible. Sin is disobedience to God's laws, an act that separates us from God. Understanding sin is crucial to comprehending our need for God's grace and mercy, which leads us to the fourth pillar: Salvation

Path to Salvation

Journey to Eternity: Understanding God's Gift of Salvation
In Christianity, salvation is the most profound concept. It's God's master plan to save humanity from the consequences of sin and offers a promise of eternal life. According to the Bible, God, in His infinite love, sent His son Jesus Christ to take the punishment for our sins by dying on the cross. Embracing this gift of salvation means accepting God's forgiveness, promising a reconciled relationship with him. As you explore this path to salvation, you'll learn how to receive it, pray, and take the necessary next steps in your spiritual journey. We're here to help you navigate this pathway, shining a light on your journey towards a deeper relationship with God.

