Founder’s Vision

I recognised that the wealth of Christian resources could amplify my efforts

For over four decades, my journey of utilising Christian resources to evangelise those who don’t believe, disciple those who do, and empower others to do the same, has been a remarkable experience. In the final twenty years of this timeframe, I fulfilled the role of a pastor, where I incorporated Christian resources into the methodology of how I carried out my ministry.

Throughout this path, I discovered that much of the challenging work in ministry could be made easier by tapping into the wisdom and accomplishments of those who had expertise in various areas. Just as a doctor might refer patients to specialists for specialised care, I recognised that the wealth of Christian resources could amplify my efforts in serving the Lord far beyond what I could achieve on my own.

Founders, Shane and Glenda Whitbourn

We Can Do It the Easy or Hard Way

You can dig a hole with a shovel or use a digger machine.
You can feed your family by growing food or buying it from the store.
You can try to fix someone's smartphone by Googling the problem and then painstakingly guiding them through step by step, or you can suggest they "Google it" themselves.

I came to understand that the hard way in ministry was attempting to tackle everything on your own. The easier way was to use what others had already accomplished and build upon it.

For instance, in counselling, I would first find out the purpose of the session, then suggest reading or watching material to be done before the session. We then would discuss what was learned, and then I would give my advice, usually followed by more recommended reading or watching. Indeed, frequently, the incorporation of Christian resources made the counselling sessions unnecessary.

I continually search for more Christian resources to expand my ministry’s reach to people of different ages, stages, and growth areas. This ongoing dedication has enabled me to enhance my capability to support individuals even more effectively. Like how a diverse collection of tools enhances efficient task completion, having a variety of resources equips me to address a wide range of needs within the Christian community.

Here are a few instances of how
I've made use of Christian resources:

Over time, following this approach has granted me the chance to offer guidance to numerous individuals at different points along their faith journey. It has also helped me avoid wasteful time usage since individuals engage with resources at their preferred pace. This enables me to concentrate on those who require my support the most, as well as other important needs.

Sadly, I’ve witnessed many Pastors and Christians labouring in the Great Commission without tapping into the numerous Christian Resources available by experienced fellow believers. Some believe they don’t need help, while others are unaware of available resources or how to access them.

If you identify with these challenges, this website is designed with you in mind.

Shane Whitbourn
Explore Grow Go Founder

