Website Help

I need help with this Website

We're here to assist! Feel free to reach out with any questions you may have about ExploreGrowGo. Your inquiries are welcome, and we're eager to provide you with the information you need. Please use our "Contact" option to get in touch.

Are you affiliated with a church?

Yes, we are a part of the CRC Churches International family. Prior to dedicating our focus to our specialty (ExploreGrowGo), we served as pastors within our community for two decades.

Is there a declaration of faith available?

Our statement of faith is in accordance with the beliefs outlined by Gateway Church. Please refer to this link for details.

Can I send my suggested resources to ExploreGrowGo?

Your input of recommended resources is valuable to us, as it enables us to continuously improve our offerings. Please reach out to us via our Content Submission Page

Are you seeking financial support for ExploreGrowGo?

No, we're not seeking financial assistance for the website. However, if you appreciate the free recommended ministry resources, we encourage you to consider supporting those ministries directly.

How can I support ExploreGrowGo?

You can lend your support by remembering us in your prayers and by spreading the word about us to your pastor, family, and friends. Share our website links across social media, or by distributing our printable business cards and flyers. Use our our Contact Page to request information on our printed material to share ExploreGrowGo with others.

