Little Pilgrim’s Progress

Helen L. Taylor’s has taken John Bunyan’s ‘Pilgrim’s Progress’ and simplified the vocabulary and concepts for young readers, while keeping the storyline intact. The result is a simple adventure story and a profound allegory of the Christian journey through life; a delightful read with a message kids ages 6 to 12 can understand and remember. An animated movie of ‘The Pilgrim’s Progress’, is also available and enjoyable for all ages.

Fifty-five years ago, Helen L. Taylor took John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress and simplified the vocabulary and concepts for young readers, while keeping the storyline intact. The result was a classic in itself, which has now sold over 600,000 copies. It’s both a simple adventure story and a profound allegory of the Christian journey through life, a delightful read with a message kids ages 6 to 12 can understand and remember. It tells the story of Pilgrim who, after discovering a compelling book, embarks on a journey from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City. His path, marked by various challenges and encounters, is vividly brought to life in a modern adaptation, which continues to honour the story’s long-standing legacy. Helen’s adaptation for a younger audience helps make these concepts more easily understood and relevant to a younger audience. The animated movie ‘The Pilgrim’s Progress’, while not geared specifically for the younger age group, is still easily enjoyed by all ages.
Fifty-five years ago, Helen L. Taylor took John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress and simplified the vocabulary and concepts for young readers, while keeping the storyline intact. The result was a classic in itself, which has now sold over 600,000 copies. It’s both a simple adventure story and a profound allegory of the Christian journey through life, a delightful read with a message kids ages 6 to 12 can understand and remember. It tells the story of Pilgrim who, after discovering a compelling book, embarks on a journey from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City. His path, marked by various challenges and encounters, is vividly brought to life in a modern adaptation, which continues to honour the story’s long-standing legacy. Helen’s adaptation for a younger audience helps make these concepts more easily understood and relevant to a younger audience. The animated movie ‘The Pilgrim’s Progress’, while not geared specifically for the younger age group, is still easily enjoyed by all ages.

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Little Pilgrim’s Progress

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