The Pagan Invasion

“The Pagan Invasion – 13 Part Series” by Jeremiah Films is a documentary series that examines the influence of paganism on various aspects of society, including education, entertainment, and the New Age movement. It sheds light on the growing impact of pagan beliefs and practices. This video series, though over 30 years old, remains excellent and surprisingly relevant to contemporary issues.

“The Pagan Invasion – 13 Part Series” by Jeremiah Films is a comprehensive documentary series that delves into the pervasive influence of paganism in contemporary society. It comprises nine distinct episodes, each exploring different facets of this phenomenon, such as its presence in education, entertainment, and the New Age movement. The series offers critical analysis and thought-provoking insights into how pagan beliefs and practices have infiltrated various aspects of culture. It serves as an eye-opening resource for those seeking a deeper understanding of the challenges posed by the resurgence of pagan ideologies and their impact on Western civilization.
“The Pagan Invasion – 13 Part Series” by Jeremiah Films is a comprehensive documentary series that delves into the pervasive influence of paganism in contemporary society. It comprises nine distinct episodes, each exploring different facets of this phenomenon, such as its presence in education, entertainment, and the New Age movement. The series offers critical analysis and thought-provoking insights into how pagan beliefs and practices have infiltrated various aspects of culture. It serves as an eye-opening resource for those seeking a deeper understanding of the challenges posed by the resurgence of pagan ideologies and their impact on Western civilization.

The Pagan Invasion

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