The Kingdom

In “The Kingdom,” David Pawson explores the meaning and practice of living under God’s rule today. He contrasts the common focus on the Church with Jesus’ emphasis on the Kingdom. The six-part series covers topics like the Kingdom of God, Satan, Israel, Christ, the Holy Spirit, and future prospects.

The Normal Christian Birth

‘The Normal Christian Birth’ by David Pawson examins what it is to be ‘Born Again’ and proper Christian initiation. Integrating repentance, faith, baptism, and the Spirit, Pawson critiques the “sinner’s prayer” approach. The accompanying video series covers these topics in six parts, providing practical guidance for healthy spiritual growth.

Experiences of Hell

Welcome to Experiences of Hell, a YouTube channel called ‘Touching the Afterlife’, where we explore people’s journeys through hellish realms. These powerful stories reveal their encounters with demons, torment, and ultimate salvation. Tune in to hear how these experiences have profoundly changed their lives and what they have learned from their journeys.

Life.Church Open Network

Life.Church’s core value of irrational generosity inspires us to share our resources freely with the global Church. Through the Life.Church Open Network, we offer an extensive library of free resources, including sermon videos, children’s lessons, graphics, and church operations materials. Access these tools and more at Open Network Trainings provide insights from over twenty-five years […]

How to Know God

Greg Laurie’s series ‘How to Know God’ explores life’s big questions. Videos like ‘What is the Meaning of Life?’, ‘Who is God?’, and ‘Becoming a Christian’ provide insights and guidance. Greg’s teachings have reached thousands, offering a clear path to understanding and embracing the Christian faith.

Know God

You are designed to have a personal connection with God through His Son, Jesus Christ. Wondering how to begin a relationship with God? Begin with the section “How to Know God,” and then delve into other areas like “How to Grow Spiritually”, “Foundations for Living”, and “Questions” to deepen your understanding and connection with your […]

What Does It Mean to be Christian

Pastor Louie launches a new collection of talks, Believer, with a powerful message about what it means to be Christian. Believing in Christ is inclusive to everyone, though he identifies how our lives should identify Christ when we choose to follow Him. As followers of the Way, we entrust Jesus to lead us, and people […]

Complete Salvation and How to Receive it.

Our salvation through Christ and His sacrifice on the Cross is totally complete, and yet many Christians have a limited understanding of what this means. They are living in a tiny portion of a house when there is a great mansion God has prepared for them. Expand your knowledge and embrace the all-encompassing totality of […]

Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution

The Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution Series (3 parts) explores the animal kingdom, unveiling intricate designs that challenge traditional evolutionary theory. Dr. Jobe Martin, once an evolutionist, presents creatures with astonishing features that defy scientific assumptions, sparking debates on creationism. This series reveals compelling evidence of a Creator behind these remarkable designs.

40 Stories Project

The ’40 Stories Project’ shares forty real-life testimonies of Indigenous Australians who have found hope, purpose, and transformation through faith. These compelling stories showcase the power of faith to change lives, offering inspiration and encouragement to those new to Christianity or seeking deeper meaning in their lives. Also check out 40 Stories Project for more […]

Let My People Go

‘Let My People Go’ by Jason Lozano is a powerful ebook and video series detailing his transformation from a life of drugs, violence, and chaos to one of healing and purpose through God’s grace. The series inspires readers and viewers to find true freedom, hope, and redemption through faith and fervent prayer.

Laying The Foundation Series

In Derek Prince’s “Laying The Foundation Series,” the focus is on building a strong spiritual foundation, as guided by the elementary teachings of Christ in Hebrews 6:1-2. Addressing key doctrines such as repentance, faith, baptisms, resurrection, eternal judgment, the series encourages believers to firmly establish their faith in these foundational principles for a stable, Spirit-filled […]

