World Religions – Jesus’ Uniqueness

Ron Carlson’s message, “World Religions: What Makes Jesus Unique,” explores the distinctiveness of Jesus Christ amidst the world’s religions. He highlights Jesus’ unparalleled claims and attributes, offering a compelling perspective on Christianity’s uniqueness. Ron also covers this in his book Fast Facts on False Teachings

Immersion In The Spirit

Immersion can be accomplished in two ways: the swimming pool way and the Niagara Falls way. This sermon takes a closer look at the Niagara Falls experience, which relates to the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Are you thirsty? Be prepared to drink deeply. Derek provides a more in-depth exploration of this topic in his book […]

An Introduction to the Holy Spirit

You know of Him, but do you know Him? Many miss out on the Holy Spirit because He’s been misrepresented. John Bevere breaks misconceptions about the Holy Spirit and helps you develop an intimate relationship with Him. Offered as both an ebook and a video series.

The Awe of God

John Bevere’s “The Awe of God,” both an ebook and video message captures the essence of divine majesty and reverence. He encourages a deeper understanding and respect for God’s power and holiness, urging believers to live in awe of God’s presence. This perspective fosters a profound connection with the divine, enriching spiritual life.

Immersion In Water

Derek Prince’s message on water baptism in “Immersion in Water” emphasizes its profound spiritual significance in Christianity. He articulates it as a symbolic act of joining in Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection, marking a believer’s transition from an old life of sin to a new life in Christ. Derek provides a more in-depth exploration of […]

Dynamics of the New Creation

Tony Smits’ “Dynamics of the New Creation” free book and accompanying 8 Part Video Series unpack the transformative concept of becoming a new creation in Christ, as outlined in the scriptures. These resources focus on the deep theological aspects of spiritual regeneration and the practical application of living as a new creation. Highlighting the pivotal […]

The New Creation

In Derek Prince’s “The New Creation” series, he explores the transformative power of becoming a new creation in Christ. Through concise and insightful teaching, Prince explains the Biblical foundations of what it means to be born again and how this new identity affects every aspect of a believer’s life. This series serves as a valuable […]

Throne Rights

In “Throne Rights,” Ken Chant explores the profound theme of answered prayer, delving beyond the surface to uncover the depths of effective communication with God. This book serves as an introductory guide, offering encouragement and insights into the principles of successful prayer, emphasizing a charismatic approach that champions affirmative and authoritative prayer practices. In addition, […]

Acceptance Precedes Change

Paul Scanlon’s message “Acceptance Precedes Change” addresses a key issue in Christianity: the belief that God’s acceptance is a grace gift, not contingent on our changes. He critiques the notion of earning acceptance, emphasizing that true acceptance should precede change, embodying the core of the Gospel.

Healing For Wounded Soldiers

Derek Prince’s teaching on Healing for Wounded Soldiers is a powerful message that addresses the wounds and hurts experienced by believers in the battles of life. With biblical insights and practical guidance, this series offers hope, restoration, and healing for those who are spiritually wounded. Despite its age, this message remains remarkably insightful and engaging.


John Bevere’s ‘Faith’ series explores the elusive concept of faith through a scriptural journey. Spanning 12 lessons, this course addresses the nature, importance, and application of faith, offering insights on how to develop, exercise, and test faith to navigate life’s challenges with spiritual confidence.

