The Power Of Proclamation

Derek Prince’s teaching on ‘Prayers and Proclamations’ explore the authority believers have to shape their realities by proclaiming God’s Word. He likens the Bible to Moses’ rod — an instrument of power and authority — and underscores the transformative impact of scriptural declarations. Free proclamations are available on the Derek Prince Ministries website and app […]

I Will Shake All Things – Nations / Church

Derek Prince’s two-part series “I Will Shake All Things” delves into biblical prophecies of God shaking the nations and the Church. Part one focuses on cosmic and global disruptions as divine judgments, while part two calls the Church to foundational obedience and purity in anticipation of God’s kingdom. Prince emphasizes repentance and readiness for the […]

Sin, Righteousness, & Judgment

Derek Prince’s sermon on Sin, Righteousness, and Judgment emphasises three eternal truths (John 16:8). Righteousness is God’s standard, sin is all unrighteousness, and judgment precedes repentance and forgiveness. The sermon explores two key judgments—the Great White Throne and Christ’s Judgment Seat—and stresses self-examination, repentance, and righteousness in Christ.

The Holy Spirit As Guide

In Derek Prince’s teachings on the Holy Spirit’s transformative role in believers’ lives, he emphasizes the importance of understanding and embracing the Holy Spirit for guidance, empowerment, and spiritual growth. By illustrating how the Holy Spirit works within us to direct and strengthen our faith journey, Prince offers insights into achieving a deeper, more fulfilling […]

Do You Fear God?

Derek Prince’s “Do You Fear God?” explores the profound, multifaceted concept of fearing the Lord. He clarifies that this fear encompasses awe, reverence, and worshipful submission, not terror. Prince teaches that fearing God cleanses and endures, guiding us away from hypocrisy and towards pleasing God, enhancing wisdom and life. Includes a detailed sermon outline. Even […]

Faith And Works

In “Faith and Works,” Derek Prince explores the intricate relationship between faith and deeds within the gospel framework. He underscores the importance of faith as the foundation for attaining righteousness, subsequently inspiring actions. Distinguishing between the concepts of law and grace, Prince also points out that love is the ultimate fulfilment of the law and […]

Moms of Men

The hosts of ‘Moms of Men’, Lisa Bevere and Havilah Cunnington, want you to know you can do this! Whether you believe it or not, you have what it takes! So drop the guilt and get ready to laugh, learn, and possibly cry!

Honor’s Reward: Lost Virtue Revived

In “Honor’s Reward” by John Bevere, the 12-part video series and eBook explore the powerful concept of honor, a largely forgotten virtue that unlocks God’s blessings. Bevere illustrates how embracing honor aligns with divine values, positioning believers to fully receive God’s promises through compelling stories and biblical insights.

Healthy Living

Most of us want to live healthy lives, but struggle with where to start. In this course, John Bevere is joined by world renown health experts, Dr. Josh Axe and Jordan Rubin – together, they provide insights on how to create healthy eating, sleeping, and exercise habits that will give you the boost you need […]

Be that Woman

Lisa Bevere’s video series “Be That Woman” is a powerful Bible study that explores the lives of influential women of faith. Across ten lessons, Bevere encourages participants to learn from these women, covering topics such as overcoming the past, trusting God, and honoring what is deemed honorable by God.

Fierce Unity

God desires for His people to live in unity. When we get along, God releases His blessing that empowers us to accomplish great works. But for this to happen, we will need to be united around a common purpose. For believers, that’s Jesus Christ and His plan for humanity.

God, Where Are You?!

John Bevere’s “God, Where Are You?!: Finding Strength & Purpose in Your Wilderness” is a powerful eBook and video message that addresses the challenging season of being in a spiritual wilderness. He offers insights and encouragement to navigate such times, helping readers find strength and purpose while deepening their trust in God’s guidance and provision. […]

