Driven by Eternity: Make Your Life Count

Someday, you’ll find yourself before God, accounting for your life’s journey. The crucial question to ponder today is, are you prepared? John explores this critical question through scripture in both his ebook and a video message.

Resurrection of the Dead

The Bible clearly informs that when Jesus returns for the church His bride, we shall be changed! Our bodies will be transformed in an instant, completing our salvation. To comprehend the full scope of the salvation process, we must understand man’s triune nature of spirit, soul, and body and how the resurrection will both confirm […]

When the Trumpet Sounds

“When the Trumpet Sounds: Studies on Jesus’ Return” by Ken Chant offers an in-depth analysis of Biblical prophecies regarding the Second Coming of Christ. Chant presents a comprehensive study of eschatological scriptures, providing clarity and insight on this significant Christian belief. The book encourages readers to understand and prepare for Jesus’ promised return, blending scholarly […]

Dynamic Christian Foundations

Ken and Alison Chant’s “Dynamic Christian Foundations” is an essential guide for both new believers and seasoned Christians. It lays down the fundamental principles of the Christian faith, providing a sturdy base for spiritual growth and a deeper understanding of biblical truths, ensuring a robust walk with God. Additionally, Pastor Dennis Plant offers a series […]

Authenticity and Authority of The Bible

In one word the basic problem confronting Christianity is verification: “Is the Bible true? Is the Bible possible?” If the Bible is false the fabric of our faith shreds like rags in a garbage disposal, if it is true we stand sure and affirmed. Ken’s purpose in this study is to show why the Bible […]

Great Words of the Gospel

Studies in the Major Themes of Salvation such as Salvation, Regeneration, Justification, Redemption, Predestination, Sanctification, we have lost the meaning of these words and yet they carry powerful life giving meaning that sets us free from so much, yet only if we understand them. Additionally, Ps. Dennis Plant presents a series of 30-minute video sessions, […]

God’s Word: Your Inexhaustible Resource

In “God’s Word: Your Inexhaustible Resource” by Derek Prince, viewers explore the limitless wealth of wisdom, guidance, and spiritual nourishment found within the Bible. This insightful video series highlights the Bible as an abundant source of answers, comfort, and transformation, emphasizing its enduring relevance in every aspect of life.

The Bible – Is it God’s Word?

Ron Carlson’s message “The Bible – Is it God’s Word?” explores the authenticity and divine inspiration of the Bible. It addresses questions and doubts regarding the Bible’s origins and significance, providing insights into its enduring relevance.

