Bible – Youversion Kids App

The Bible App for Kids immerses children in age-appropriate Bible stories. Available on Android, Apple, and Kindle devices in 65+ languages, it’s on over 10 million unique devices globally. With 41 significant Bible stories, kid-friendly navigation, narration, interactive animations, and games, it fosters understanding and engagement with Scripture.

The Gospel Message

This article provides an extensive exploration of the Gospel, from God’s creation to humanity’s fall into sin, emphasizing redemption through Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection. It underscores the need for personal repentance and belief in Christ, highlighting the transformation and eternal life this belief brings. The narrative stresses understanding the Gospel’s full context, from the […]

Awakening – The Big Picture

“Awakening – Who We Are, Why We’re Here, Where We Go, How We Know” introduces a hidden spiritual realm beyond our earthly perception. It emphasizes the Bible’s role in understanding our existence, destiny, and God’s plan to embrace us eternally. Pastor Dennis Prince addresses various topics, including God’s nature, salvation, our relationship with God, water […]

The Hope Journey: From Creation to Christ

‘The Hope: The Story of God’s Promise for All People’, is a video that provides a comprehensive overview of the biblical narrative from creation to Christ. It effectively conveys the continuity and fulfillment of God’s promises, designed to make the gospel comprehensible and appealing to a wide-ranging audience, fostering a deeper understanding of the Bible’s […]

Is Genesis History?

Follow Dr. Del Tackett and over a dozen scientists as they explore the science behind the history recorded in Genesis. From rock layers to fossils, from lions to stars, from the Bible to artifacts, this eye-opening film will transform the way you see the world.

God of Wonders

God of Wonders’ is a captivating documentary that explores the intricacies of nature and the universe, showcasing the undeniable evidence of a divine Creator. Through breathtaking visuals and expert insights, it reveals the awe-inspiring wonders of God’s creation, inviting viewers to contemplate the marvels of the natural world.”

Evolution vs. God – Four Top Professors..

Evolution vs. God showcases top professors from renowned universities discussing evolution’s evidence. Featuring experts like Peter Nonacs (UCLA) and Craig Stanford (USC), it scrutinizes vestigial organs, natural selection, and other evolutionary aspects, challenging viewers to reconsider their beliefs under the lens of observable scientific evidence.

Evidence that Demands a Verdict

The “Evidence that Demands a Verdict” series by Josh McDowell, encompassing both an eBook and a video playlist, offers a comprehensive response to skepticism about Christianity. Through detailed analyses and engaging visuals, these resources effectively address critical questions about biblical authenticity and the resurrection of Christ, making complex apologetics accessible and convincing.

The Case for a Creator

Lee Strobel’s “The Case for a Creator” book and accompanying documentary delve into the complex dialogue between science and faith, presenting compelling evidence for intelligent design. Through expert interviews and a clear, investigative approach, Strobel challenges the materialistic worldview, making a persuasive argument for the existence of a divine creator.

The Case for Faith – Tough Questions

“The Case for Faith” by Lee Strobel addresses critical questions about Christianity through expert interviews. Exploring themes like evil, science versus miracles, and religious exclusivity, it offers insightful arguments for skeptics and seekers alike. Both its video and ebook formats make complex theological debates accessible, aiding in the journey from skepticism to belief.

Glass House: Debunking Evolution Myth

“Glass House: Debunking Evolution Myth” presents a critical examination of evolutionary science, arguing it’s built on fragile assumptions and misconceptions. This book, authored by a team of scientists and biblical apologists, aims to dismantle Darwin’s theories using a combination of biblical insights and scientific critique.

Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution

The Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution Series (3 parts) explores the animal kingdom, unveiling intricate designs that challenge traditional evolutionary theory. Dr. Jobe Martin, once an evolutionist, presents creatures with astonishing features that defy scientific assumptions, sparking debates on creationism. This series reveals compelling evidence of a Creator behind these remarkable designs.

