Divine Dilemma – Love Amidst Suffering

“Divine Dilemma – Wrestling with the Question of a Loving God in a Fallen World” by Ken Ham examines suffering through Genesis, attributing pain and death to sin and the Fall. He affirms Jesus as the answer, offering hope beyond the grave. Ham’s narrative interweaves personal loss with scriptural teachings, providing a poignant exploration of faith amidst adversity.

In “Divine Dilemma – Wrestling with the Question of a Loving God in a Fallen World,” Ken Ham delves into the origins of suffering and death from a biblical standpoint, tracing them back to the Fall and the entrance of sin as depicted in Genesis. This book and video addresses the believer’s struggle to reconcile earthly pain with a loving God. Ken Ham discusses the impact of sin on the world and human experience, offering Jesus Christ as the ultimate answer to the believer’s questions about suffering. By doing so, he presents a path of redemption and hope, asserting that through Jesus, death is not the end but a doorway to eternal life for Christians.
In “Divine Dilemma – Wrestling with the Question of a Loving God in a Fallen World,” Ken Ham delves into the origins of suffering and death from a biblical standpoint, tracing them back to the Fall and the entrance of sin as depicted in Genesis. This book and video addresses the believer’s struggle to reconcile earthly pain with a loving God. Ken Ham discusses the impact of sin on the world and human experience, offering Jesus Christ as the ultimate answer to the believer’s questions about suffering. By doing so, he presents a path of redemption and hope, asserting that through Jesus, death is not the end but a doorway to eternal life for Christians.

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Divine Dilemma – Love Amidst Suffering

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