How Science Confirms the Bible

Ken Ham investigates how science provides support for the Bible, examining topics such as DNA as evidence of an infinite God, the origins of different races of people, and the proof of a global flood, among other subjects. His objective is to facilitate meaningful dialogue between faith and science, engaging both believers and skeptics in thoughtful exploration and discussion.

Ken Ham examines how science aligns with and provides evidence for the Bible’s claims. He delves into various subjects, including: – Is there any evidence for an infinite God? – How could Noah fit all the species of animals on the Ark? – Where did Cain find his wife? – How did the different ?races? of people come about? – Is there any evidence for a global flood? – Did God create in literal days or long periods of time? – Can Christians believe in millions of years? – How old is the earth? – Why does it matter what Christians believe about Genesis? By addressing these inquiries, Ken Ham aims to bridge the gap between faith and science, offering a perspective that encourages thoughtful exploration and discussion among believers and skeptics alike.
Ken Ham examines how science aligns with and provides evidence for the Bible’s claims. He delves into various subjects, including: – Is there any evidence for an infinite God? – How could Noah fit all the species of animals on the Ark? – Where did Cain find his wife? – How did the different ?races? of people come about? – Is there any evidence for a global flood? – Did God create in literal days or long periods of time? – Can Christians believe in millions of years? – How old is the earth? – Why does it matter what Christians believe about Genesis? By addressing these inquiries, Ken Ham aims to bridge the gap between faith and science, offering a perspective that encourages thoughtful exploration and discussion among believers and skeptics alike.

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How Science Confirms the Bible

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