Sunday Worship is Not the Beast’s Mark

Elce-Junior Lauriston’s message titled “Sunday Worship Cannot Be the Mark of the Beast” challenges the Seventh-day Adventist belief that Sunday worship is sinful and represents the Mark of the Beast, as mentioned in Revelation. Lauriston, a former SDA evangelist, argues that this view is not biblically sound. He also delves into the historical and theological reasons why Sunday became the primary day of Christian worship, emphasizing its roots in the early Christian church and contrasting it with the SDA’s Saturday Sabbath observance.

Lauriston’s message examines the scriptural and historical context of worship days, particularly focusing on the shift from Saturday to Sunday in early Christianity. He addresses common SDA arguments that label Sunday worship as a pagan practice or a tradition imposed by the Roman Catholic Church. Additionally, Lauriston explores the broader implications of this belief within the SDA church, such as its impact on interdenominational relations and its theological consistency with other Christian doctrines. Given his background and expertise in Sabbatarianism and Adventism, Lauriston’s critique is well-researched and presents a compelling argument for why Sunday worship cannot be equated with the Mark of the Beast from a biblical perspective.
Lauriston’s message examines the scriptural and historical context of worship days, particularly focusing on the shift from Saturday to Sunday in early Christianity. He addresses common SDA arguments that label Sunday worship as a pagan practice or a tradition imposed by the Roman Catholic Church. Additionally, Lauriston explores the broader implications of this belief within the SDA church, such as its impact on interdenominational relations and its theological consistency with other Christian doctrines. Given his background and expertise in Sabbatarianism and Adventism, Lauriston’s critique is well-researched and presents a compelling argument for why Sunday worship cannot be equated with the Mark of the Beast from a biblical perspective.

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Sunday Worship is Not the Beast’s Mark

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