Little Pilgrim’s Progress

Helen L. Taylor’s has taken John Bunyan’s ‘Pilgrim’s Progress’ and simplified the vocabulary and concepts for young readers, while keeping the storyline intact. The result is a simple adventure story and a profound allegory of the Christian journey through life; a delightful read with a message kids ages 6 to 12 can understand and remember. […]
Thanksgiving, Praise & Worship

Complete Salvation and How to Receive it.

Our salvation through Christ and His sacrifice on the Cross is totally complete, and yet many Christians have a limited understanding of what this means. They are living in a tiny portion of a house when there is a great mansion God has prepared for them. Expand your knowledge and embrace the all-encompassing totality of […]
Laying The Foundation Series

In Derek Prince’s “Laying The Foundation Series,” the focus is on building a strong spiritual foundation, as guided by the elementary teachings of Christ in Hebrews 6:1-2. Addressing key doctrines such as repentance, faith, baptisms, resurrection, eternal judgment, the series encourages believers to firmly establish their faith in these foundational principles for a stable, Spirit-filled […]
Next Steps: Blessed Stewardship

‘Next Steps: Blessed Stewardship’ by Gateway Church is a thought-provoking piece that emphasises the importance of responsible stewardship in the Christian faith. It encourages believers to wisely manage their resources, talents, and time, aligning them with God’s purpose. The message highlights stewardship as a vital aspect of spiritual growth and blessing.
What Happens One Minute After You Die?

Life.Church’s series ‘What Happens One Minute After You Die?’ explores life after death with Pastor Craig Groeschel. The four videos cover key questions about the afterlife, such as the existence of heaven and hell and personal worthiness. The series aims to address fears and provide clarity, encouraging viewers to explore these profound topics. With each […]
New Creation Truths

The ‘Healthy Foundations’ series teaches you concepts that are essential to freedom and a healthy relationship with God. You’ll explore your views of God, how God sees you, the ways He speaks through His Word, and how to tune in to His voice. God’s word declares you are a ‘New Creation in Christ’ – discover […]
Biblical Church Principles

This series by Pastor Wayne Cordeiro unpacks the ten core values that every church should embody. Through biblically grounded teachings, each message equips believers to live victoriously and navigate their faith in today’s rapidly changing world. The series serves as a foundation for spiritual growth and church unity.
Fresh Start Journey

Welcome to the Fresh Start Journey! This 22-part series was designed for new believers, but it is fully relevant for all believers. Each video answers some of the most common and pressing questions in all of Christianity and it is designed to help you develop a more intimate relationship with God.
Vision Christian Media (Radio)

Vision Christian Media is a radio network, that offers uplifting content including faith-based talks, Christian music, and news from a spiritual perspective. It’s a source of encouragement and guidance, connecting listeners with Christian values and community, enriching their spiritual journey.
Learning to Love Imperfect People

Allan Meyer’s “Learning to Love Imperfect People” is a heartfelt reflection on reconciling with a challenging parent. Meyer’s journey of recognizing the positive in his father and understanding his background demonstrates the healing power of empathy, forgiveness, and the significance of delving into family history for deeper relational healing.
Start Here

You are designed to have a personal connection with God through His Son, Jesus Christ. Wondering how to begin a relationship with God? Begin with the section “How to Know God,” and then delve into other areas like “How to Grow Spiritually”, “Foundations for Living”, and “Questions” to deepen your understanding and connection with your […]